Rt Hon Sir David Evennett, MP for Bexleyheath and Crayford, is continuing to campaign for changes to the new Southeastern railway timetable, which will be implemented from Sunday 11 December.
To date, Sir David has held meetings with Southeastern Managing Director, Steve White, the Rail Minister, Huw Merriman MP and yesterday (6 December) participated in the Westminster Hall debate on ‘Southeastern Railway Timetable Changes’.
During the debate, Sir David highlighted the detrimental impact the new timetable will have, as well as the ever increasing pressures on rail services with more people returning to the workplace and new homes being built. He also commented: “The new timetable has met with huge dismay across our borough of Bexley, and indeed throughout other parts of south-east London. My constituents and I are bitterly disappointed by, and rather angry about, the lack of consultation on the dramatic changes that are taking place that will affect rail users and businesses across our south-east region… Frankly, the changes are inconsiderate, totally unfair and lacking in logic… We need to be consulted on changes for when the next timetables come in, because these new timetables are not fit for purpose”.
The full transcript of Sir David’s contribution can be read at: https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2022-12-06/debates/11B2B2CD-2C65-46D7-8EF1-4A2EAEB3F6B7/SoutheasternRailwayTimetableChanges#contribution-F34E890C-B4D5-4B2C-AE0C-60E73503AA39